Thursday, February 16, 2006

We went to the Arts and Crafts Fair

Well, we went to the craft fair. Paid our money and stayed there from 8am - 5pm and...

That was the highlight. Unfortunately, it was a very bad day for all the crafters there. Weather and lack of advertising was what did us all in. The only advertising the fleamarket used was their fancy electronic billboard that is such an eyesore that no one on the highway even looks at it.

Our table location was great though. We were stationed directly in front of the busiest booth in the place. We were in front of an authentic Italian bakery that had people streaming in and out all day. So we did get a lot of eye traffic, and were able to get out a lot of business cards to people waiting in line. So there was a small spark of hope.

I got a few people asking me about special orders and they say they are going to call either one of us, but I have yet to hear from them. We shall see if they call or not.

On a lighter note, Mandy's creations are flying off the shelves and we can't seem to keep any of her items for more than 2 days at a time. WAY TO GO MANDY!!!!!!!!! Keep up the good work!

I'm considering working on some nice beaded bracelets and necklaces to add to the inventory. Haven't purchased any supplies or anything, it's just something I am tossing around. There are some beautiful beads out there that would make some absolute gorgeous bracelets.

So, keep up the great work, Mandy. And for all you others out there...

Happy Stitching!
