Sunday, July 09, 2006

another project I have worked on

This is another cross stitch pattern that I have worked on in the past. It is called "The Guardian" and it was designed by Teresa Wentzler. She designs a lot fantasy genre pictures and the colors are absolutely gorgeous in person. This picture really doesn't do it justice, but it's hard to portray the mulitude of hues in a snapshot.

She designs fairies, dragons, merlins, and all sorts of other designs. I am partial to the fantasical though.

I will be posting some other pictures of either items I have worked on, or something similar to what I have worked on. I have done all sorts of things, so there is a vast array of cross stitch I can do.

Please email me (at or Instant Messenger me (at yahoo! carrot_top_crafts). I would love to hear from you.



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