Friday, September 15, 2006

More things added to Carrot Top Crafts

I have now started volunteering for Project Linus. I think this is a wonderful organization that gives stitchers like me a chance to put my talents to very good use. I already have 3-4 blankets made for children ages 1-5, and I am now working on a hexagonal afghan for a twin size bed. They desperately need more blankets for the bigger kids. Not to say that they don't need infants blankets as well. I have decided to keep my "blanketeering" narrowed down to the kids that always seem to fall in the cracks, the ones too big for baby blankets, yet too young to care for themselves.
Please take a moment to visit Project Linus. Not only do they need dedicated "blanketeers", but they also need donations to keep this wonderful idea going. If you can't crochet, knit, or quilt, please consider giving them a small donation to keep it going?
I am taking yarn donations as well, to keep my part of the chain going. If you happen to have some yarn that is in good shape, I would be happy to take it to integrate it into my next blanket. If you are seriously wanting to help me out, send me an email (at and I can give you the specifics of how to get the yarn to me.
Until then, happy stitching!


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